How can I implement buy Nft Item from marketplace service properly?

We support Nft listing with different currencies on the marketplace. Therefore, during the purchase of an Nft Item listed on the marketplace, the steps to be taken may vary depending on the currency offered for sale.

  • If the Nft Item that you want to buy has been put up for sale with the coin of the blockchain you are working on, you can continue the flow by using the Init Buy Nft Item From Marketplace service.

  • If the Nft Item that you want to buy has been put up for sale with a crypto token (ERC-20), we need to check whether the buyer address allows the crypto tokens to be used during the purchase. If permissioned, purchase can be performed on the marketplace without getting an error on the blockchain. Otherwise the permission process must be performed first. You can see QafNft services below that should be used to perform this flow.

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