How can I implement listing Nft Item on marketplace service properly?

Before listing an Nft item on the marketplace, we need to check if the seller's address allows marketplace contract for Nft Items. If permissioned, listing can be performed on the marketplace without getting an error on the blockchain. Otherwise the permission process must be performed first. You can see QafNft services below that should be used to perform this flow.

  • Check Nft Item Approval Permission

    • If the service returned true, it means that the approval permission has been received. You can continue with the Init List Nft Item on Marketplace service.

    • If the service returned false, it means that the approval permission has not been received. You need to get approval permission using the Init Nft Item Approval service.

  • Init Nft Item Approval

    • This service will be returned initialized transaction information. You should trigger the user's wallet provider with the returned information and confirm the transaction

    • After you see that the approved transaction has been completed successfully, you can continue the flow by using the Init List Nft Item on Marketplace service.

  • Init List Nft Item on Marketplace

    • This service will be returned Init transaction information. You should trigger the user's wallet provider with the returned information and confirm the transaction

    • After you see that the approved transaction has been completed successfully, you can retrieve the information of your listed Nft Items using the Filter Marketplace Items service.

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